Embrace Self Care and Self Love

Is Saying ‘No’ the Secret to Balancing Your Life?

Having trouble setting those boundaries? As we age, we find ourselves spread thin, lost in other people’s troubles and triumph. Practice the art of saying no and setting boundaries.


It’s like walking a tightrope, isn’t it? We’re often taught to be agreeable, to nod and smile, to be someone others can rely on. But let me share a little wisdom: learning to say ‘no’ is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself. Imagine this scenario: you’re swamped at work, and yet another task lands on your desk, or your social calendar is bursting, but there’s another event begging for your presence. Sound familiar? This is where your newfound power steps in.


Saying ‘no’ allows you to set boundaries and prioritize your mental well-being. By declining additional tasks or obligations, you prevent burnout and create space for self-care. It’s important to remember that saying ‘no’ doesn’t make you selfish or unhelpful; it simply means you value your own needs and recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. So embrace the power of ‘no’ and watch how it transforms your mental health and overall happiness.


Find Your Balance


Every one of us has our unique threshold, a line where ‘enough is enough.’ Discovering this line is a journey. For me, it’s about striking that sweet balance. I adore being there for my friends and family, but not at the cost of my precious ‘me time’ or my inner peace. It’s perfectly fine to say, “Hey, I love you guys, but I need a moment for myself.” This isn’t selfishness; it’s essential self-preservation.


By setting boundaries and prioritizing your own well-being, you teach others to respect your limits and understand that your time and energy are valuable. It allows you to communicate your needs effectively and encourages others to do the same, ultimately leading to more balanced and mutually beneficial interactions. So don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ – it’s a powerful tool that not only benefits you but also strengthens your connections with others.


Effective communication

The real game-changer is in how you express your boundaries. The key? Be concise, kind, and, most importantly, firm. You don’t owe anyone lengthy justifications or apologies. Phrases like “I’m not available for that right now” or “I’m reserving this weekend for some personal downtime” are your go-to tools. Don’t be afraid to walk away if someone pressures you into something you’re not comfortable with. Your boundaries are yours to set and no one else’s. Respect them and take care of yourself.



Ah, and now we come to the challenging part – maintaining those boundaries. People will, knowingly or unknowingly, test your resolve. It’s crucial to stand firm. Remember, your mental and emotional health is paramount. And it’s perfectly normal for your boundaries to evolve as you do. What suits you in your twenties might not fit your fabulous thirties. Don’t be afraid to adjust and adjust again. It’s a sign of growth, and it’s a sign of strength. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you.


Seeking and Offering Support

You’re not in this alone. Turn to friends, family, or even a professional for support. Sometimes, just talking about it can fortify your resolve. There’s incredible strength in solidarity. Ask for help when needed. Listen to others’ advice and take it into consideration. Be aware of your emotions and don’t bottle them up.



Now, let’s be honest. There will be times when you falter when someone slips past a boundary. It’s okay. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Recognize it, learn from it, and gently steer back on course. Acknowledge the situation, make amends, and move on. Forgive yourself and don’t let it happen again. It’s the only way to stay on the right path. You’re wonderfully human, not a machine.


This is a time of self-discovery and personal growth. It’s a time when we can challenge ourselves to learn new things, take risks, and make mistakes. It’s also a time to set and stick to our boundaries, to protect ourselves from harm and to stay true to ourselves. It’s essential to be gentle with ourselves and to take the time to nurture our mental health. We must also remember that self-care is not selfish, but rather an act of self-love and self-respect. Taking time for ourselves is essential for our overall well-being.


Setting boundaries isn’t about pushing people away but showing them where the gate is. So, here’s to embracing our inner strength, setting those crucial boundaries, and growing in our thirties and beyond!



 Have you faced a situation where saying ‘no’ felt empowering? Share your thoughts, and let’s chat about it!

XoXo Jasmine

An every day girlie in her mid-30s trying to make the most out of the one life we are given.
Divorcee, Infertile, Veteran
Lets Live. Laugh. Sparkle