Embrace Self Care and Self Love

Have you ever stood in front of the gym doors, heart racing, feeling like everyone inside has it all figured out except you? I’ve been there, staring at my reflection in the glass, my gym bag feeling like a ton of bricks. I understand that stepping into the gym can sometimes feel like stepping onto a stage. But here’s the thing: you’re not alone. Many of us women struggle with gym anxiety, but it’s a challenge we can definitely overcome together.

You’re Not Alone

Firstly, let’s acknowledge that feeling anxious about the gym is perfectly normal. It’s a space filled with mirrors, unfamiliar equipment, and people who seem to know exactly what they’re doing. Remember, everyone had a first day. They, too, experienced the uncertainty that you’re feeling now.

Start Small

Begin with what feels comfortable. You don’t have to jump straight onto the heaviest weights or the most advanced class. Start with lighter workouts or classes geared towards beginners. And hey, there’s no shame in sticking to the treadmill or stationary bike on your first few visits. Familiarity breeds confidence.

The Power of Community

Consider joining a class specifically for women. Being surrounded by individuals who share similar experiences and goals can be incredibly empowering. It’s also a great way to make new friends who can support you on your fitness journey.

Knowledge is Power

One of the biggest sources of gym anxiety is simply not knowing how to use the equipment. Consider booking a session with a personal trainer. They can guide you through the equipment and help create a workout plan that’s tailored to you. Knowledge diminishes fear.

Dress for Success

Invest in workout gear that makes you feel comfortable and confident. A good pair of sneakers, supportive sports bras, and breathable outfits can make a significant difference in your gym experience. Remember, it’s not about fashion – it’s about functionality and comfort.

Set Personal Goals

Set achievable goals for yourself. It could be as simple as going to the gym twice a week or trying out a new machine. Celebrate these small victories they’re stepping stones to bigger achievements.

The Power of Music and Mindfulness

Create a playlist of your favorite, empowering songs. Music can be a great motivator and can help drown out any gym noise that might feel overwhelming. Also, try incorporating mindfulness into your gym routine. A few deep breaths before you start can set a positive tone for your workout.

Shift Your Focus From Others to Yourself

It’s easy to feel like everyone is watching and judging you, but here’s a secret: most people are too focused on their own workouts to notice anyone else. Shift your focus from what others might be thinking to your own progress and well-being.

Find Your Comfort Zone

Experiment with going to the gym at different times to find when it’s less crowded. A less crowded gym can feel more welcoming and less intimidating. Early mornings or mid-afternoon can often be quieter times.

Your Mental Pep Talk

Before stepping into the gym, give yourself a pep talk. Use positive affirmations like, “I am strong, I am capable, and I am doing this for me.” These affirmations can be a powerful tool in transforming your mindset.

Track Your Progress

Keep a workout journal. Documenting your progress helps in visualizing how far you’ve come. It’s not just about physical changes; note how your confidence and skills are improving too.

Keep It Interesting

Mix up your routine to keep things interesting. Try different classes, workouts, or even different parts of the gym. Variety can keep your gym experience fresh and exciting.

Your Journey, Your Rules

Take time to reflect on your gym experiences. What did you enjoy? What could you do differently next time? Remember, this journey is about you and your comfort.

You’re Doing Great

Most importantly, celebrate yourself. Every time you go to the gym, you’re taking a step towards overcoming your anxiety. You’re showing up for yourself, and that’s something to be proud of.

You’ve Got This!

Remember, conquering gym anxiety is a journey. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with each step, you’re getting stronger, not just physically, but mentally too. You’re capable of more than you know, and this gym journey is just another way to prove that to yourself.


I’d love to hear about your gym experiences and tips that have helped you conquer gym anxiety. Share your stories in the comments below let’s support and inspire each other!

Conquering gym anxiety is not just about building muscles; it’s about building confidence, resilience, and a sense of accomplishment. You’re not just working out your body; you’re working out your courage. And trust me, with each visit, it gets a little easier. Keep pushing through, and soon, the gym will feel like a second home.

Remember, it’s okay to be a work in progress; every step forward is a step towards growth and self-love. Keep shining, keep striving, and above all, keep taking care of you.

XoXo Jasmine

An every day girlie in her mid-30s trying to make the most out of the one life we are given.
Divorcee, Infertile, Veteran
Lets Live. Laugh. Sparkle