Embrace Self Care and Self Love
Girl, lets get this Money!

Let’s talk about something that can truly change the game in our financial lives money affirmations. The way we think and speak about money has a profound impact on our financial reality. Positive affirmations can help shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance, encouraging a healthier, more prosperous relationship with money. 

So, whether you’re looking to attract more wealth, save for a big goal, or simply feel more confident about your finances, these 18 money affirmations are here to empower you. Let’s dive in and start manifesting!

1. “I am a magnet for prosperity and abundance.”

This affirmation sets the tone for attracting wealth into your life. Believe in your abilityto draw financial success.

2. “My actions create constant prosperity.”

Remind yourself that your actions have the power to generate lasting financial success.

3. “I am worthy of a wealthy life.”

Self-worth is crucial in your financial journey. Affirm your deservingness of wealth and abundance.

4. “Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways.”

Be open to receiving wealth from both anticipated and surprising sources.

5. “I make financially savvy decisions with ease.”

Empower yourself to make smart financial choices confidently.

6. “I release all resistance to attracting money.”

Let go of any negative beliefs that hinder your ability to attract financial abundance.

7. “My bank balance is constantly growing.”

Visualize and affirm the growth of your savings and wealth.

8. “I am in control of my financial well-being.”

Affirm your ability to effectively manage and control your financial life.

9. “Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied.”

This mindset encourages a positive attitude towards spending and investing.

10. “I am grateful for the wealth I have and excited for more to come.”

Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for attracting more abundance.

11. “I have a healthy relationship with money.”

Affirm the importance of a balanced, positive approach to managing your finances.

12. “My income exceeds my expenses effortlessly.”

Visualize and affirm an abundant lifestyle where your income comfortably covers your needs and desires.

13. “I am a powerful creator of wealth and abundance.

Empower yourself with the belief that you are capable of creating financial success.

14. “Debt is a thing of my past. Abundance is my future.”

Focus on a future where you are free from debt and living in abundance.

15. “I attract lucrative opportunities to increase my wealth.”

Be open to new opportunities that can lead to financial growth.

16. “Financial freedom is my birthright.”

Affirm that living a life of financial freedom is not just a dream, but your right.

17. “I am financially abundant, and money comes to me naturally.”

Reinforce the belief that achieving financial abundance is a natural part of your life.

18. “I radiate wealth, abundance, and prosperity.”

End on a high note, affirming your inherent ability to embody wealth and abundance.

By regularly practicing these affirmations, you can start to shift your mindset and open yourself up to the wealth and prosperity you deserve. Remember, it’s not just about saying the words; it’s about truly believing them and allowing them to permeate your thoughts and actions.

So, gorgeous souls, let’s start affirming our way to a richer, more abundant life. Here’s to your financial success and the amazing journey ahead!

XoXo Jasmine

An every day girlie in her mid-30s trying to make the most out of the one life we are given.
Divorcee, Infertile, Veteran
Lets Live. Laugh. Sparkle